Case Study

Paula Lovell Cleaning Services

Growing a local Dorset based cleaning companies organic search enquiries by 240% with professional website design and local SEO services.

Paula Lovell Cleaning Services were looking to start their cleaning service but didn’t know the best way to generate more enquiries.

They were looking for a fun website that stood out from all the other same-as-cleaning websites in their area.

We designed a simple yet fun website that allowed them to showcase their cleaning services which grew enquiries by over 200%.

Project details

  • Client: Paula Lovell Cleaning Services
  • Website URL: Visit website
  • Services: Website Design, SEO
  • Year: 2023

The challenge

Our challenge was to design and rank a website on Google that looked appealing and matched their branding but was also developed with SEO in mind. SEO for cleaning services can be incredibly saturated depending on the towns the client resides in. Wimborne was no different.

In addition to the website, with the majority of users looking for cleaning services using a mobile, we had to rank the client high on Google map listings as this is generally where the majority of local service traffic goes.

Our team focused on designing a website that not only captivates visitors with its aesthetics but also strategically positions the client within the saturated SEO landscape for relevant cleaning search terms.

The solution

We chose to develop their website on WordPress, which gave both our team and the client greater flexibility when it came to adding pages and updating content quickly. In addition, WordPress enabled us to optimise the website and quickly adapt to changes across their target keywords for SEO.

The design had to be fun, this was one of the client’s top requests. Utilising their brand colours, as well as clean, simple imagery and a font that was round and bubbly, we were able to create a unique website that stood out from the crowd.

The results

The results have been very positive for our client. Within 12 months, our team has been able to rank the website in the top 3 positions for a variety of highly searched, highly relevant keywords which bring in the client a healthy quantity of consistent enquires each month. Within the 12-month period, local enquiries grew by approximately 266% per month.

In addition, the client now receives a variety of compliments on their website which continues to stand out and perform well.


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