Case Study

Chieftain Airsoft

Crafting a striking, modern brand and website design for one of the south England’s upcoming airsoft teams with large imagery, modern design and accessible layouts.

Chieftain came to us looking for support with their marketing needs. Our team at Find Digital provided consultation and digital services around their needs for branding and a website.

Project details

  • Client: Chieftain Airsoft
  • Website URL: Visit website
  • Services: Website Design
  • Year: 2023

The challenge

The challenge involved crafting a website that could encapsulate the energy and thrill of their events while also simplifying the booking process for participants, all the while fostering a sense of camaraderie among airsoft enthusiasts.

The solution

To address Chieftain Airsoft’s needs, we embarked on the creation of a dynamic website that provided an immersive digital encounter. We conceptualised an engaging visual design, incorporating authentic textures, camouflage motifs, and captivating event imagery.

We introduced a user-friendly event calendar for easy navigation, supplemented by detailed event descriptions encompassing objectives, dates, times, and locations.

The seamless booking system we implemented guided users through a streamlined registration process, complemented by secure online payment facilities. Interactive maps were integrated, enabling tactical pre-event strategising.

The results

The outcome of the revamped Chieftain Airsoft website was remarkable, with a discernible impact on user engagement and business outcomes. The immersive design and interactive components led to extended user interaction periods and heightened click-through rates on event pages.

The user-friendly booking process translated into fewer registration dropouts and a higher conversion rate from website visitors to event participants. The website’s design also facilitated the nurturing of a vibrant community of airsoft enthusiasts, promoting event attendance and organic referrals.

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